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Advertise With Us | American Journal of ArchaeologyThe American Journal of Archaeology offers electronic advertising opportunities in the AJA e-Update.
Mahyco :: EupdateMahyco Private Limited is focused on research and development, production, processing, and marketing of seeds for India's farming fraternity. Founded in 1964, Mahyco is the pioneer of high quality hybrid and open pollina
Mahyco :: PublicationsMahyco Private Limited is focused on research and development, production, processing, and marketing of seeds for India's farming fraternity. Founded in 1964, Mahyco is the pioneer of high quality hybrid and open pollina
About the AJA | American Journal of ArchaeologyOpen access content is published on the AJA website. Abstracts, tables of contents, and author profiles are also freely accessible. The AJA Archive includes links to all published content from the first volume in 1885 to
Access the AJA | American Journal of ArchaeologyThe American Journal of Archaeology is published quarterly, in January, April, July, and October.
Contact Us | American Journal of ArchaeologyRobert Schon and Emma Blake, Editors-in-Chief: ajaeic@archaeological.orgShannon M. Dunn, Editorial Assistant:
The History of the AJA | American Journal of ArchaeologyThe American Journal of Archaeology has an uninterrupted history of publication that began in 1885. Archaeological discoveries, theoretical discussions, and countless in-depth reviews of books are just some of the hallma
Permissions Reprints | American Journal of ArchaeologyCopyright Clearance Center, Inc.222 Rosewood DriveDanvers, MA 01923Tel. 978-750-8400Fax
Editorial Policy and Statement of Purpose | American Journal of ArchaeThe American Journal of Archaeology (AJA), the journal of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), is one of the oldest and most widely circulated journals of archaeology in the world. Founded in 1885 as The Americ
Current and Upcoming Museum Exhibitions | American Journal of ArchaeolA new section, Digital/Online Exhibitions, now appears at the end. Born-digital exhibitions will be added here and maintained as long as the exhibitions continue to remain online.
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